Unsure what to do


Hi ladies

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

So my cycle is now at 36 days and my average is 24....what is going on????

All tests have been BFN

Any ideas??? It’s honestly freaking me out a little bit.😬

I had tiny specks of blood on toilet paper a couple of times early last week when I used the restroom (sorry TMI) but nothing since.

Never had my cycle go this long.

I really thought I was pregnant a week ago just because of some symptoms I had but surely a home test would pick up by now right?

My Dr said if I didn’t get my period by end of the weekend that I should call and make an appointment for the lab to have blood test done but I don’t know what to do.

Does anyone know if HCG levels can decrease the more children you have? That might be a stupid question.

Also, can you develop fertility issues after having more than one child? I have one living child who is 4 and one stillborn last year at 38 weeks....