Vag health


So to start off my boyfriend and I have been together 6 years minus one year we were separated. Anyways problem #1... lately I’m not getting wet !! I’m turned on and in the mood (And I think I’m flooding down there ) but when he goes to put it in I’m dry as a bone. Most of the time it hurts when he puts it in. Sometimes I ask him to put lube but he hate it. I’ve read maybe spending more time doing foreplay but it still doesn’t work. Has this happen to you ? What can I do or what did you do to fix it ? Help!!

#2 no lie my boyfriend is huge ! Till this day there’s some positions we can’t do bc it hurts. So during sex I’m fine, sometimes it’s like I feel him in my belly, but recently after sex my side hurts so bad !! Has anyone had this happen ?

#3 idkkkkk whhhyyyyy but 80% of the time... after sex I get like a yeast infection ??? I’m guessing. I’m not 100% positive that’s what it is. But sometimes it hurts, itches and feels super dry and sensitive to the touch. When I wipe it looks like my skin is peeling (that sounds weird) but I say that bc after my vag skin feels raw. It hurts. Most of the time we shower before sex so that’s why I rule out any of that. Old what to blame it on ? Idk why it happen! I want answers and solutions to why this happens to me.

Please help, all these vag issues is kind of hurting my relationship. I just want to cry.