support or advice on orgasming?

I have slept with a few guys since becoming sexually active but none have made me orgasm. some did better than others but I have never felt completely satisfied and the job is always left half done. don't get me wrong sex is fun and feels great but I'm starting to think no one can make me orgasm but myself which is discouraging. Ive done many things to include extra stimulation but it's hard to focus on that while sex is already great so my problem is I just won't orgasm. i don't want my partner to feel he is bad because its a me problem. tho when I'm alone and I do the job its pretty great... I want to be able to enjoy it with my partners.

so is it normal for women to fake orgasms? what am I doing wrong? I feel bad about myself and can't tell my partners they never made me orgasm. maybe I haven't met the one to get my works all riled up? I just want to know if this is relatable and I'm not alone.