Oversupply question

Genesis • Dulce Victoria 💜 Israel Chalino 💙🇲🇽 my world now feels complete ☺️

For those mommies with an oversupply, how did you deal with it, did you keep pumping and freezing? Did you try lowering your supply to fit your baby? If so, how did you do it , block feeding, stopped pumping or something else? And what was the outcome of that? Were you successful in lowering but keeping enough to feed baby and not having to pump after?

My son is 7 weeks old and now feeds on average about every 2.5 hours in the day and every 2.5-3.5 at night. I believe he eats about 3-4 oz each time, about 10-30 minutes depending on his last feeding and my last pumping. For example if I'm really engorged he'll nurse about 10 mins (I'll hear loud and fast gulping and I'll feel pretty "empty" after). If I pumped and I'm full but not completely engorged he'll feed longer like 20+ minutes and he's really good at stopping on his own when he's full or letting me know if he's still hungry.

Now my pumping. Being my second child I had a lot of milk and right away so at the hospital the nurses almost forced me to pump even though I didn't want to because I knew I had enough and I didn't want to mess with our natural balance but I pumped so that the nurses could stop making me feel like I wasn't trying. (My son had wet and dirty diapers at every hour with feeding only from me, that should of been more than enough proof that he was doing just fine) Forward to a couple weeks later I was able to go without pumping but I kept feeling engorged all the time so after asking multiple LC's they all told me the same thing: "Pump for comfort" so I would pump only .5-1oz from only one side per feeding. Sure enough that only caused me to have even more milk. I got used to the idea of pumping so that I could be more comfortable and then I could donate half and keep half for when I go back to work. But now my son is 7 weeks old I have a huge pile of milk stored in the freezer and I have what feels like an extreme amount of milk, after baby gets full I'm still really full so I pump and I can easily get 5-8oz every 2.5 hours. I would really like to decrease my amount so that I wouldn't have to pump much or at all if possible just because it's extra work and I would love to be able to fall asleep or do other stuff around the house once my baby is done eating but instead I have to pump which by the time I'm done pumping, storing the milk and cleaning my supplies it'll be at least 40 minutes. Plus I'm constantly in pain from being engorged and I can't really go on with my day without pumping so I have to plan accordingly if I plan on even leaving the house.

So please if anyone that has/had a similar case and was able to successfully decrease their amount to better suit their baby, or if it just wasn't possible and you continued to pump then please let me know so that I can try it out or continue what I'm doing and I can stop wondering about it.
