Arrived at the hospital with a foot coming out! (C-sec story.)


At 37 weeks they discovered my baby was breech. That day they sent me to L/D for a epidural and inversion. 3 Drs tried for over an hour to flip her, but she kept flipping back. So I was scheduled for a c-sec at 39 weeks.

1 week later at 38 weeks, my water broke as I was using the toilet at 10pm. I called my SO who had just left for work (nightshift) and we left for the hospital.

At the hospital they had me sit in the waiting room for awhile. Contractions were so bad. Once I got back to Triage I already felt pressure (like I had to poop) but the nurses kept at there pace, having me leave a urine sample, than checking my fluid to make sure my water had indeed broken. That took 15 or so minutes.

Once the positive result was back, the nurse told me she would check my cervix to see if I was dilated. She had her hand “in there” for maybe 2 secs before quickly pulling it out and said, “I couldn’t find your cervix, but there is a foot.”

All of a sudden 10 people rushed into the room, including the OB on call and the nurse anesthetist. They had me undressed, IV in and wheeled me back to the OR in less than a two minutes. They told my SO to remain behind, because I was going under general anesthesia, because of this emergency situation. I was in so much pain.

Once back at the OR the anesthesiologist and the nurse anesthetist attempted a Spinal block with me laying on my side, because I couldn’t sit up or move much due to the foot. I went for a pain scale of a 10 quickly to numb. I can not describe the relief that I felt, and couldn’t really think about it because moments later, the curtain went up and they began to open me. Luckily, because I didn’t have to be intubated my SO was gowned up and by my side shortly.

Epidurals make me vomit so I wasn’t surprised when I felt the nausea. They gave me meds through the IV but it didn’t stop me from vommitting multiple times during the c-section. It’s really hard to move, let alone be sick...

The anesthesiologist told my SO he could look over the curtain because they were about to remove the baby. He did and he followed her and the nurses to the table. I could see them do the normal stuff (had a vaginal delivery before): rub her down, weight, etc. They asked if I could do skin to skin right away, Drs still operating, but I was so sick that my SO took over.

The c-section was quick, and painless. Lots of pressure and tugging. It was hard to care when so was so nauseous! But they must have had me back there for less than an hour, before I was taken to recovery. I remained in there for awhile due to blood loss, but both baby and I are doing great!

Leighton Mae was born at 12:35pm on Feb. 16th weighing 7lbs 3oz, 20 1/2 inches long. (Edd was 3/2.) She’s beautiful and worth everything.

Nurses came to my room, because they wanted to see the women who walked in with a foot out, and of course the baby attached to it. :)

^^ the feet in question. :)