Low blood presssure


So my blood pressure has always been on the lower side pregnant or not. Im just made that way I guess. Worse problems to have. It always freaks out the nurse when she takes my blood pressure reading at appointments and she does it two or three times to be sure and then checks my previous reading before she’s satisfied. It’s always amusing to me. I know it’s not a real issue. This is my third pregnancy so It’s the same song and dance there. But I’m finding this time round it’s turning out to be not a great combo low blood pressure and preggers. I get winded so easily I get dizzy randomly and cold sweats almost like panic attacks. Other day I literally lost my breath and got dizzy pooping! Like wth??? I googled and it turns out this is a thing and there’s a name for it. I can’t remember vyschogal something or other. Pregnancy brain. Anyway, wondering if anyone out there has this or the same symptoms at least???