Dear Mom,


I miss you. I know it has been 5 years since you died soon, and I miss you everyday. I covered up my depression because it was unwanted when you died. That was 8, and I know I should tell people, but I'm scared. I don't want people to know that I'm not fully sane, that I'm not perfect. I want to be a strong person for dad and maggie, but I can't show them that I'm sad. I know that I should tell a doctor, but I don't want to leave my life, I don't want to leave home, and I don't want to leave my home. I wish I could find the strength to tell someone, but only my friends know. I'm just scared that people Will laugh and make fun of me. I feel like I let you down, and I feel that you wouldn't love me. I'm just sorry for everything, and I wish I could see you again.