Jaxsen James made his arrival!’


My baby is here and I’m so excited!! I have never felt happier than when he’s in my arms.

Due to high blood pressure and protein in urine - I was admitted and induced this past Saturday at 38+3. Started on cytotec every 4 hours throughout Saturday and started pitocin Sunday. Had LOTS of pitocin and contractions started coming every 2-4 minutes. Once they were every 1-2 minutes I couldn’t handle the pain of them (was only dilated to a 2 1/2 and the doc ok me to get an epidural (lifesaver). I was able to sleep for a few hours without feeling any contractions. Around 8p Sunday night I started having strong pressure feeling and felt like it was time to push. However I was only dilated to an 8.. the next 4 hours drug by slowly and was tortuous for me and for hubby. I was finally fully dilated around 430 and it was time to push. I pushed for 4 1/2 hours (wanted to give up a few times but kept pushing!) Dr came in - I was just shy of baby crowning so he made the call to assist delivery with vacuum.. 3 sets of pushing later and babies head was out and it only took 2 more pushes until we was out completely.. I was able to have skin to skin for almost 2 hours. Baby latched on and suckled within the first hour and is very healthy.. he made his entrance at 10:20am on February 19th. He weighs in 7lbs 12 oz and is 20 1/2 in long. His head is already coming back to normal shape and is perfection to us!!!