AF after MC

Alicia • Wife. Momma. RN. Recurrent miscarriage survivor #iam1in4. Secondary infertility survivor #iam1in8

Feeling a little discouraged today.... it’s been about 3 weeks since bleeding has stopped post natural miscarriage. MD advised would take 4-6 weeks for AF to show and about 3 months for my cycle to regulate. My “normal” cycle pre-pregnancy would have been due Saturday, while I didn’t expect to start, I noticed some pink spotting. This has continued the last 3 days and light cramping for an hour or so each day. I called the nurse line at my ob office, nurse said first cycle after mc would usually be heavier than normal and this should either stop or get heavier. Any guidance on spotting after mc 3 weeks out? Its been almost 6 weeks since the start of my mc....