okay so I noticed a lot of girls want to get pregnant fast and I'm not saying I'm a expert but I am a midwife and as long as your body is normal without any problems that may effect your chance, then keep reading!

1. Your man needs to take vitamins, manly C (5000 mgs is recommended but 1000 mgs is fine to) because that helps the sperm become more "smart".

2. You need to take vitamins before your next TTC month, those need to be in you before you try. One a day is fine. but I recommend prenatal.

3. Drink lots of water and make sure your other is to, you both need to be healthy in order to get pregnant fast.

4. Stop stressing out, and have fun with it. Think about it this way, this could be the only time you guys will be alone ever again or give it the "if it happens it happens" attitude.

5. Stop drinking alcohol and doing drugs for at least one month prior to starting.

6. Have sex right after your period stops. every other day, a lot of girls ovulate more then once a month or cycle. Keep having sex every other day till 4 days before your period is due.

This should help you and your other a lot, if you still have no luck follow this one more time. Then go to your doctor to check out your lady parts.