17, live in state where i need parental permission for abortion


I suffer from severe depression and have been hospitalized twice for suicide attempts. I am in no way capable of bringing up a child. I am not mentally stable enough to birth and raise a child. I am not stable enough or healthy enough to carry a fetus for nine months. I believe it's in my best interest to have an abortion. I have die hard Trump worshippers as parents, they're blood is purely conservative. There is no way they'll consent to me having an abortion. I live in a state where minors are required to have parental permission in order to receive either a medical or surgical abortion.

I really need some advice.

Is there any way around this permission thing besides getting a judicial bypass?

Are there any at home/"natural" ways i could induce miscarriage?

Is it legal to cross state lines to receive an abortion?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.