How do I get through infidelity


I've tried many things, I pray, I go to church, I read/listen to things related to forgiving infidelity, I write my feelings, I just can't seem to get past it. I wish I could, I'm better now I'm definitely doing better then when I first found out about it but I'm just not where I would love to be. I've been married for 17 years. My husband cheated, he had an affair that went on for about 2 years that I know of. I'm sure there were other women through out our marriage but that's the only one I was able to find proof of. We have 3 kids, I've always been very dedicated to them as well as our home. When I look back at it I'm sure that's why I never noticed, I never saw him for what he really is...anyhow my question to any female that reads this and has gone through something similar..How did you deal with it? How did you forgive him? How did you move on?...thanks