Dear... you. ((Actually need advice so please read))

You were there at the perfect time. I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 8 amazing and beautiful months... I’d always thought you were a good looking guy but obviously never intended on making moves because I was committed. You somehow stole my heart in such a short amount of time, but my love for my ex (who is now my current utmost love of my life that I do intend to marry) was much, much greater. I realized I rebounded on you, but I still had strong feelings for you; all of that went away when my ex and I got back together. I’ve felt bad ever since, you never deserved that. I used to think about you everyday but now every once in a blue moon you popped into my head, and I’ll look you up.

I almost broke up with my boyfriend to try to be with you again, because I thought I still had feelings for you, but I realized I just rebounded so hard because what I missed, I saw in you. We haven’t talked in years, but for some reason you always used to still pop into my head every once in a while and it bother the f u c k out of me, because I don’t have any feelings for you. But I thought about you still... and tonight when I looked it was different than any other. “Engaged”. The only word I saw, and for some reason I’m hurt a little. But why? Why am I hurting because someone I haven’t talked to in a few years and have 100% moved on romantically from is now... engaged? (Comment maybe why, please keep in mind I do really not have feelings for him and am heavily in love with my current boyfriend, the ex from before, for 6+ years)

You are a great guy and your future wife is lucky to have you as her forever now. I’m sorry I basically used you, but that was never my intention to hurt you. Maybe I’ve longed to be your friend, we did talk very well with each other... but I’m content now that I’ll never know.

This is my goodbye letter to you, I guess. I’ve blocked you on everything, finally, so I can rid of you, as I’m sure you’ve gotten well rid of me. Best wishes towards your forever...
