Rebound chick?

Okay, so there's this one guy, that I've been super attracted to for years and years now! We hooked up, and after awhile I started getting feelings for him. He told me he was going to pursue a different relationship, so I left it at that. Over a year later, after they broke up, he started contacting me again, and myself being so into him, the same thing happened, we hooked up, I slept over, we did things together, my strong feelings came back, things were really looking up! I was so happy! but, he slowly stopped talking to me. I got over it, and moved on myself. He just got out of a 6 month relationship with a girl 8 years younger then him, and he started talking to me within days after he broke up with her. He said that he messed up big time, and doesn't want to loose me. And that he thought about me for months prior to him breaking up with her. I brought up to him that I felt like his rebound girl, but he denies it and says that he kept messing up and I'm the one he wants for long term. what on earth do I do? I'm crazy about him and no matter what he does I forgive him I'm 24, and sick of games..