Dear Husband/High School Sweetheart

We've known each other since we were in kindergarten. We dated in high school, through college and now married for almost a year. While we had our issues in the past we overcame them and committed to each other through marriage....

it was pure bliss....

I don't know what changed, whether it was me, whether it was the transition of our new life, whether it was the lack of passion....


Last month you decided to sext other women....

I was hurt, angry, betrayed....

I forgave you....

A month later and I found out you didn't change....

Despite the words, promises, tears that you would change...

I don't wish the pain I'm in even to you because it hurts. It hurts to my core, to my soul.

I know what I need to do for myself and my happiness, I just want you to remember that you hurt me....