I flipped my baby..

Alysha • ❤️

And it worked!! I've given this 2 weeks just to make sure it wasn't a coincidence. So after a few days of being home from the hospital, my LO was sleeping all day and up screaming all night (from 11pm to 4 am) so I asked my mom about what to do to get her on the correct sleeping schedule. She said "flip her" I was like "umm like actual flip?" YES, there is an Old Wives Tale that says flipping your baby gets their sleep schedule on the right track. so after a few YouTube searches I figured, it can't hurt to try it. So I flipped her 3 times and that night instead of being awake from 11-4 She slept until 4 and was up for about 20 min, then back to sleep until 8 am! Then every single night since she sleeps through the night! yesterday she was awake during the day for about 5 hours and last night she slept from 10 pm to 10 am this morning! She will stir a little bit in the night but since we co-sleep (no lectures please) I just pop my breast into her mouth and we fall back asleep! I don't feel like I'm losing any sleep and I feel so energized in the day! it can't hurt to try it!