GMD prefolds as bumgenius PD inserts?

Kii • Mama to Bram and Waylon💛

HI if I buy a 12 pack of green lined or yellow lined GMD (green mountain diaper) prefolds would they work as a good insert for bumgenius one size pocket diapers? I absolutely hate the micro fibre inserts they came with (they are not absorbent they are harder to wash and seem to always have that held in musty smell no matter how much i rinse wash strip etc) so I'm probably going to toss them in the trash and keep the pocket covers. I may get some hemp inserts but I was wondering if the GMD inserts would work just as well and be absorbent enough for an infant to toddler size. also if you know where I can find a good deal on hemp or bamboo inserts for a one size diaper please let me know. tia