My gender reveal..

Fawn • Blessed with a beauty 🌹 E.V.R.I

Gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on February 15th. 😃 I was in labor for 41 hours. 😳 At 5-6 cm dilated I got the epidural as I was tired and couldn’t wait any longer the contractions were getting stronger I tried to last as long as I could my original plan was to have her natural. She had to be monitored the whole time I couldn’t do all the things I wanted to while in labor like take a bath, bounce on ball or go for walk I couldn’t even stand for very long because of her heart rate slowing down. 😩 2or3 hours had past after getting the epidural I was just 7cm dilated and waking up to my nurse putting an oxygen mask on me disoriented and confused the medical team arrives and surprise rush to the O.R. Baby’s heart rate wasn’t bouncing back, I practically felt defeated my heart felt for hers. But after all was said and done she arrived perfectly healthy. I’ll be honest it wasn’t the best experience but meeting her was so worth it and I’d do it all over again. This is my story and there’s so much more to it..Wishing you mothers who are waiting for your baby’s arrival good luck to you and don’t give up hope ✨