dear crush... (i need advice, ugh)

okay, so we are 4 yr apart. we’ve been talking for almost 3 or 4 years. we’ve had ups, downs, and everything in between. you were there for me, when; my mom overdosed and died, every time my dad ended up in jail, when my dog died, and everything else. it was crazy how you just popped into my life @ such a random time. i was truly blessed. you made a big mistake when we were first friends, but we got through it. i’ve been told be fight like a married couple, and treat each other like girlfriend and boyfriend. we’ve always been there for each other no matter what! i annoy the hell outta you, but no matter how much i annoy you, you still seem to stick around. i’m not even kidding, it’s a blessing to have you in my life!! i just wish we could actually hang out; me go to your house, you come to mine, go out to eat... we’ve talked about hanging out before. one of my favorite times we talked about that kinda stuff was when i was scared of the storm. i was truly scared, i was never that scared about a storm before. i was balling my eyes out, but you were there. you kept saying you were going to bring me food and sneak through my window so my grandma wouldn’t hear you. ughhh, idk what to do. i truly do love you, but idk how to proceed with this relationship.


(I just need advice...)