Can't tell him


Dear Boyfriend,

Thank you for teaching me that I should never ask for help, because you, the person who is supposed to care about me, offers no emotional support when I’m feeling down. Thank you for never reassuring me so that I am forced to reassure myself.

Thank you for destroying my faith in males by telling another girl that you love her and think about her all the time, even though I try to give you so much care and would do anything for you.

Thank you for showing me that I am less important than all of your friends by spending the whole weekend after I asked if we could go on a date since you could only see me for 10 minutes on Valentines day and didn’t get to have our Bali date together.

Thanks for never asking me out on a date when all I want to do is have fun with you.

Thanks for the one time you ever planned a date on the day I told you in advance that I was leaving for a ski race.

Thanks for never writing me a letter back even though I asked you for months and a sweet boyfriend would do it without being asked.

Thanks for never apologizing whenever you hurt me. Because it is my job to not feel hurt in the first place.

Thanks for leaving me on the dance floor all alone when its my greatest passion.

Thanks for making me realize that romance doesn’t exist and that I can never expect anything out of a man because it will only lead to disappointment and frustration.

Thanks for all the times you’ve forgotten about me. Thanks for every time you’re late. Even though I could never forget about a time I had planned with you.

Thanks for never acknowledging when I put up with your anger issues by giving kind words and holding you.

Thanks for showing me that being vulnerable doesn't make someone love you, it makes them want to shut you up.

Thanks because you made me realize that trying to hurt you after you destroy me doesn't make it feel any better, so you will never read this.

Thanks for teaching me real love is to forgive someone when they neglect you, and wanting them to be happy no matter how much it hurts. But I learned that I’m not always strong enough love like that, like right now.

Thanks because I trust fell and you didn’t catch me.  

Love, CC