Dear grandma and grandpa

Although I never got to meet you grandpa, my mom has said a few times that she sees a lot of you in me. I’m crafty and resourceful and I love to be outdoors when I have the chance. I’m not the hardest of workers, but I always get the job done even if I’d rather not. Now that Grandma has joined you again, I hope you guys are able to enjoy your time together. Neither of you lived long lives, but you both had good lives. You both did what you loved. I hope that I can be that way someday, so don’t plan on any great-grandchildren to watch over from above because I’d rather do what I love than have kids and do something that just makes money. You always loved your farming and grandma always loved her teaching. When she wasn’t teaching, she was sewing, volunteering, baking, or going out with friends. In the later years, (the part of her life that I remember most) she had dementia and she didn’t do those things anymore. I wish I could go back and meet you guys the way you used to be. But now that you’re both gone, I guess I’ll just have to listen to stories and look at the pictures on the walls and imagine what you were like. Even though I met Grandma, it never really seemed like it because I don’t remember her with her memory. I miss you guys. I’ll see you again someday, but I’m gonna take my time here on earth first and make my mark on the world. I’ll be thinking of you Grandpa, so it’ll be good to finally meet the man behind the face once I’m done here on earth. This is goodbye for now. Until later, you will both always be in my heart.

❤️your granddaughter