C-Section with a 2 year old Questions


Hello Mamas! I am 32 weeks, so I know little man still has some time to turn... but the doctor and ultra sound tech said he looks pretty “comfortable”. He is currently full Breech with his butt way down there. I am starting to freak out about the possibility of having a c-section purely because the timing could not be worse for our family. My husband is in a 6 month training and will only get a few days off... not 100% on the amount of days, but I am assuming 3-4 days off. That will include my hospital stay though! I have friends that would most likely be able to help, but family help is out. Okay, now that you have a little background info here are my questions.

1. How long until you were able to lift your toddler? My little lady is about 25lbs.

2. How long until you were able to drive?

3. How long were you on pain meds?

4. How long until you incision healed?

5. Any tips or advice?

Thank you!