Three year's of trying


Hello ladies I am 37 years of age I have two sons ages 22 and 19 my bf and I decided to start try for a baby in 2015 in 2016 we stopped because it became so stressful I didn't get pregnant at all I thought that it was over for having more kids but I suddenly missed my period it was five days in then I'm patiently waited scared to take a test because I didn't feel up for the disappointment so my niece tricked me I scheduled a appointment for today Feb 21st so I was going to find out what was going on today which didn't happen 😂 so I went into Walmart and got a test and went ahead and did it because my niece was down my throat 😂 I looked at the test first line came up dark and I seen no other line so I walked off disappointed for some reason I go to look again so now Im like wait a minute do I see a faint line I ran to grab my glasses and I be OMG there was a line I was so excited I told my 19year old you're going to be a big brother he smiled this has been such a beautiful blessing I told my mom that I was trying she knew the years I started but sadly she passed away on December 31st 2017 but I do know that her and God made this possible and from glow my due date is October 24th 10days after my mother's birthday I am so happy and I know that my mom is my angel and is with my little nugget protecting her or him this is such a blessing but I took clomid 50mg 3 to 7 started back last year I hope this year you ladies are blessed as well and my God bless you all on this journey