Waiting for natural miscarriage?

Jenny • Late 20's. TTC #1 Recovering from 2nd miscarriage at 6-7 weeks.
Waiting for Miscarriage number #2 to happen (<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> #1). Two weeks ago they saw two gestational sacks - one empty and one with a low fetal heartbeat. Went back a week ago and there was no heartbeat - baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks (I should now be about 9 weeks).
I've been waiting a week to miscarry naturally and nothing seems to be happening so far - no spotting, no cramps, still have big boobs/bloating. They are giving me another week and then will likely suggest the pills to help things along or a D&C. I'd rather not do the D&C if we don't have to.
Anyone else in the same boat? I have good days and bad days. My husband is 30, I'm 29 and they haven't really found anything wrong with us besides minor motility issue. TTC #1. All my tests have been normal.
They've suggested more RPL blood work and karotyping. Debating if we should give <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> another shot or move on to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with genetic testing
Heartbroken and not sure what to do next. 