We embark on our FET journey once more.


2/11 Cycle day one!!!

I never thought to be so excited about getting my period! Blood work and Sonogram looks good, time to start meds!

Update 2/21 Super excited! Just got the call back with transfer date! 3/1 is the day!!!! 🙏🏽✨👶🏽👶🏽✨🙏🏽

Update: 2/24

😫 first day of progesterone shots😫 I’m in pain! Hubby most had forgotten how to do it. Hope it gets better. 😫

Update 2/25

Painted my nails green this week for good luck 🍀 this leprechaun is ready to get her rainbow 🌈

Update: 2/28

Yay just got the call with our levels and our time for transfer tomorrow!!!! Super excited!



Transfer day!!!!

Made sure to wear my jewelry in memory of our angels to make sure they were there for the transfer. Everything looked good. Two good embryos (BB & AB). Can’t wait to test and see my BFP!!


5dpt look what I see!!!!


Took another test to confirm and... looked at my progression lines and... I had a VVVVFL on 3dpt which means both my babies probably stocked!!!! I’m praying I’m right!

Told hubby tonight too! 😊🤗