Help!!! I’m so confused....

Emma jane • Short tempered queen. #Goddess #gettingbetterwithlife #tryingnottolieanymore #learningtolovemyself

Holy hell ladies... I’m about to throw myself out a window. I don’t have a freaking clue what’s going on with me. For the last two weeks I’ve been feeling really weird. I love food, like LOVE food. Ask my friends I’m always eating it but then poof! Suddenly my appetite vanished. I couldn’t eat until 11 am and had to stop at 5 pm. I could stare at food I loved and not feel anything. Then about five days ago I got my appetite back but I feel sicker than a dog every time I try to eat anything.

It doesn’t matter what I eat, plain toast or a five course meal. Thankfully I still keep most of my food down but I’m leaning over the toilet for about an hour after I eat. My fiancé got snipped about a year and a half ago and I’m on birth control for period pain, plus he’s been away for a month and a half on work. So I haven’t had sex and I got my period about ten days ago so I doubt I’m pregnant but what the hell?!

Has anyone else had this? Thoughts? I don’t have a fever or any other flu like symptoms but god it’s hard to do this with twins that constantly need me.