Just a little morning sickness tip.... RELIEF !!!

J • Mummy of 2 and one on the way... baby boy December 2012, Baby girl September 2018 & Baby Boy number 2 (baby number 3 :) ) coming September 2020 🥰🥰🥰🥰

So, I've had morning sickness since 7 weeks (now 11) and it was only some days and not others that I was being really sick the rest just mild Nausea... So one morning immediately after finishing my cereal and MILK.. I realise I'm only actually ever sick when I have this or coffee... Since cutting out milk in the morning and switching to some toast I keep it down, feel good and keep my prenatals and vitamins down. If you are struggling with morning sickness, might be a good idea to track what you have eaten and that will hopefully ease it. Ginger tea has been a god send and ginger snap biscuits, and for nausea I've found this time and with my little boy that extra strong mints take the edge away also :) this is just my experience but if it helps even one person to realise a trigger and gets you through the day, I've helped a little :) healthy and happy pregnancies to all you September mummas ❤️❤️