Over six months - meant get married in May

Is it kinda fucked that I still miss my ex-fiancé sometimes? He was horrible to me and abused me verbally, psychologically, and emotionally but I still loved him. We were meant to get married on May 7. He left me two days after I picked my wedding dress. He was textbook sociopath - my therapist explained that he probably left me as a final act of control and power.

I recently found out he’s living in a new address and probably shacked up with someone else. I’m single, by choice, but have dated/slept with other blokes so I am “over” him.

But fuck me I still get sad about it. I’m probably only sad about the future I thought I was going to have, with a man who I thought was amazing.

I was too sucked in to see the truth, and didn’t listen to anyone tell me what was really going on. I would never have been able to start my career and have the freedom to move around like I do know.

I don’t even know why I’m posting this. Guess I’m just reaching out to other people who might know what I’m going through.