Ladies, don't give up hope!!

I am pregnant, you can do it too!!! I know I have not been trying as long as some of you ladies and I hope I don't come across as insensitive, but don't give up! Try new things, talk to your doctor, try to de-stress, and above all else, have fun! Sex SHOULD be fun, not just for making babies. I have seen so many other ladies say the same thing, that they stopped tracking BBT and all that and just had fun with their man! Well it works!! I never tracked BBT but I was so focused on when I might be ovulating and trying to plan when I should have sex, instead of just enjoyong time with my man. He would get stressed if I told him "oh, I'm ovulating, we need to have sex today." This time I only looked at Glow to mark my period and then I just sexed it up with my man whenever we were in the mood. I knew from past tracking about when I would ovulate in my cycle, but I tried not to think about that and just have fun. Next thing I know, my period is a few days late, and I take two tests that come back positive within seconds. I hope everyone trying is able to have their little miracle!! Much love and lots of baby dust!!!

Only posting anon because I don't want anyone in my life to somehow find out.