TTC, am I pregnant please help!

Vanessa 💁🏼‍♀️

So my SO and I are TTC. I was on the depo shot for almost a year. We wanted to TTC soon so my Dr switched me to the pill(I just finished my first pack and just decided to stop using them) well the week my depo was running out they started me on my pills that same week. My SO and I had sex on 2/7 my fertile day. I was in between birth controls so I’m not sure if either were working. My last period was 1/17 my cycle is about 39 days usually. My next period is due in 3 days. For the past week or so now I’ve had sore/swollen boobs, frequent headaches, lower abdominal cramps with back pain, I’ve been extremely moody(angry/irritable) my CM has been more watery like then usually kinda stretchy.. I’ve tested twice so far both negative but is it to early to test??