i finally grew a pair 😏


so apparently I wasn't enough for him because he would beat me up every chance he got I'd take too long talking to a neighbor it results in an iron fist I've been kicked by his size 12 steel toe boots I've been attacked while under water with perm and soap in my eyes I've been beat while getting was explaining he wasn't cheating on me I've been accused of cheating and dragged every where I've been punched in my eye and hid it from my family I've been called a million b@%&hs; and h3$s but I cooked for him washed his stuff paid all the bills I provided for us everything was on me after yesterday I said NO MORE I put him out I called the cops I got rid of his things I cried so many times and I pleaded and begged him so many times that I couldn't anymore I feel blessed to be alive and my children won't see there mom fighting anymore domestic violence is real and I lived it for 10 months