He is here!!!


It was a long long process. I was being induced Tuesday at 7, had cervidil placed and it didn't do much so Wednesday the put me on pitocin drip. Well that didn't do much either so then they put in a foley balloon to try to separate the cervix mechanically. It gave me horrible pain in my hips so they gave me nubain and took the balloon out, I was dilated to 3 cm and they kept the pitocin hooked up. Then 20 minutes later my water broke and I was having horrible back labor. Begged for an epidural and got a cervical check this morning at 6 to see if I had progressed at all and I was 10 cm!! Totally shocked. I pushed for two hours and so wanted to give up with not being able to feel because of the epidural. He had to be vacuumed out because he was stuck in the perineum. Ended up getting an episiotomy and finally he came out at 8:23 this morning!

He is in the NICU for the night because his blood oxygen levels were low and they just want to monitor that they rise by tomorrow. It’s been a pleasure going through this with you ladies!! And good luck to all the mommies with a few days left until they meet their prince/princess!!!