Reoccurring dream/ nightmare


In my dream I'm on a cruise ship with family and friends. I go to the LIBRARY that is on the ship ( I know weird) with a bunch of people I know. Then something starts attacking the ship and they look sorta like this ( but scarier)

And the the ship starts sinking and we are trapped and can't get out, then the creepy things come in and we hide and eventually escape out the hole they made but the ship has started sinking fast and I am only with one person now it's a boy but I can't distinguish who he is or what he looks like but I feel like I know him and can trust him so the ship tips. We are at the top of the ship and I can see the propeller spinning and I get terrified and I can't jump off but the boy keep telling me everything will be ok and that I just need to jump but I start panicking and then the alien/red skull/ creepy things find us and start advancing. The boy doesn't get scared or look worried he just keeps telling me to jump but I can't but then fire or explosions start coming from inside the ship so the boy hugs me and picks me up and throws me off the ship and then I wake up because I almost rolled off my bed. Weird I know, does anyone have what this might mean?😅