Baby Charles arrival


It’s been two weeks since Charles birth and I couldn’t be happier. It is not the easiest thing dealing with a newborn, but it’s definitely worth it. The pregnancy was pretty normal except for some daily Lovenox injections. My blood pressure started to get a little out of control by the end so after some consideration we decided to induce. 37 weeks in on Feb. 7th I went in expecting to start the Petocin early in the am on the 8th. Well as soon as they gave me the cervix ripening medicine my baby boy decided to call the shots. At midnight I heard a loud woosh on the fetal monitor. I pressed my nurses call button and told her either my water just broke or I just peed

Well she came to check on me her eyes became wide and she said let me call your doctor. I received an epidural sometime before my water broke, but to be honest it did not work for me felt everything. So after a couple of hours and some intense pushing at 3:34 am my baby boy was born. I was scared an induction would lead to a cesarean. My baby boy was ready to be introduced to the world. The only stitches I received was from some minor tearing from the delivery. He was worth every minute of labor and I am so happy to have him here.