Bumps from my thighs rubbing together

So I’ve been in skinny jeans all day and was walking around a giant mall all day from 4:00pm-8:00pm and then went somewhere else until 9:30pm

Okay so my thighs rub together and by the time I got home they were on fiiiire, I’ve never had that happen before but when I hopped in the bathtub the warm water made it sting so bad. I started checking once I got out and seen this on both of my thighs, every time I walk it rubs together and hurts me so bad. Is there anything I could put on these to make it go away or not hurt as much, like I said I’ve never experienced this before and I think it may be the material of the jeans because they were made more like jeggings and I’ve only worn them a couple times and didn’t have them on long those times.

Also excuse my stretch marks!🤦🏻‍♀️