Preterm labor?


My story is long but I'd like to get it out.

On 2/19, I had multiple Braxton Hicks episodes. Being a first time mom I didn't think anything of them. They felt like bad cramps and sent a shooting pain to my back. They disappeared quickly and I went on with my day. Those happened every couple hours for the rest of that day and the next.

Now on the 21st I didn't feel anything. It was extremely beautiful out (77° in New Jersey!) so I did some errands and enjoyed being out of the house. Around 10pm I start feeling more cramps and had some slight spotting. I mean, very slight. It's too late to call the doctor so I decide to relax and call in the morning.

On Thursday 2/22, exactly 31 weeks into my pregnancy, I call my doctor and meet her at the hospital to check on our little boy. They strap me all up and he's doing great! My water has not ruptured and I'm feeling good. Shortly after, they inform me that I've been contracting. Seemed crazy to me because I can't feel anything! They check my cervix. Still hard and closed. They give me medication to stop my contractions. A series of 3 tablets. After dose 2, I really start feeling my contractions. Doctor comes back in and let's me know that my cervix is 50% effaced. Being 31 weeks they inform me that I need to be transferred to another hospital an hour away because they handle premature labors better.

So here I am. It's 5:30am, I've been hooked up for hours listening to my little boy just waiting for doctors and more doctors. My contractions are slight again but I'm still not sure what's going on and if my boy is trying to meet his mommy and daddy early. Everything is scaring me but I'm trying to stay positive. If it wasn't for my amazing husband, taking care of me left and right, I don't know if I'd be calm enough to write this post.

I hope my little boy knows exactly what he's doing in there!