Worldwide Love - Help a girl out?


My one year anniversary with my boyfriend is coming up very soon and I'm doing a My love is so big project. I'm from Canada but I would like to hit as many countries and continents as I can! I would love it if you ladies could help me out with it!

If you could write on a paper "Juan, Suzanne's love for you is so big it reached *insert where you live here* and fancy it up if you'd like and take a pic of it with the background and send it to me! Variations like John, Suzanne loves you so much it reached *your location* would work great too!

I would love it so much if you could do that for me! I can do the same for you if needed!

Update: His given name is Juan but most people call him John and he doesn't mind either which is why I day both are acceptance. Thank youto everyone who's done this for me! 😊