Cleaning war in my house.


So I got put on strict bed rest and had to have my BP meds doubled and steroids to mature baby's lungs. My MIL lives with us. My sister decided to come stay and help me with my nesting urge, since I can't fulfill it myself.

My MIL is generally not helpful. Doesn't clean. Actually argued with me because I asked her to run water in her bowls after she makes oatmeal that sticks to them. She genuinely has medical issues that make some tasks difficult for her, so for the most part,it doesn't bother me that she doesn't do a lot.

My sister lives 600 miles away. She came here specifically to help me get ready for baby since my husband works 10 hour days 6 days a week.

So, now they are both in my house. I am kicked back in my recliner sipping some hot tea doing my best to relax as ordered by my doctor. But I am endlessly entertained!

One will start cleaning the stove and the other will butt in to load the dishwasher. One will do some laundry, so the other will clean counters. One will sweep and the other will be right behind with the mop.

None of this is planned. They aren't speaking to each other. Each is annoyed with the other constantly being in the way. I honestly don't know if they would get more done if they would work together or the competition is what is driving the speed. Just... I must be bored already because I just find it amusing.