Undecided on Baby Names?


Is anyone else completely undecided on baby names?

We are not telling our families the gender so I can't ask their opinions. We have it narrowed down to five or so names but we can't seem to narrow it down any further than that. I think the bigger problem is that I don't feel any certain rush to pick one. I've even said that we would just decide once the baby is born.

We DO know that we are using my partners Grandpa's name as a middle name since they were really close and my partner really looked up to him. It is Manual (like Immanuel without the Im).

We really liked the name Theodore but my partners cousin just named his baby Theo so we feel like that's out.

Does anyone want to share a polite opinion on the names we have picked out so far or offer any other advice?

Arthur Manual F.

Henry Manual F.

Louis Manual F.