husband out partying 2 weeks after baby born

Katie • FTM•Tyson born 2.9.18💙•Student 📚• wife 👩

So our son was born exactly 2 weeks ago, my husband went right back to work and I've been home figuring out how to be a mom. He tells me today after, right after I told him about my crappy day, that he wants to go drink at his friends house. whenever he goes there he comes home plastered. I got really upset and started crying. He really doesn't help much with the baby but I don't complain, he doesn't help do dishes or laundry, he has yet to make a bottle (although he will feed him if I make the bottle). Basically I feel like im already doing this alone and now he wants to go out and have a fun night while I'm at home dealing with cluster feeding and crying non-stop. He doesn't understand why I'm mad and just says he needs his space and we can't be together all the time. I'm not saying he can never go out again, but it's been 2 weeks for Christs sake. Am I being unreasonable?