Birth story.. finally my turn!! šŸ’•


I downloaded this app the day I found out I was pregnant. From the beginning Iā€™ve read every other persons birth story anxiously waiting for mine since June!!

My due date was 2/18. I have had a spectacular pregnancy, I always joked that my baby boy was going to make up for it on the outside. I worked up until 38 weeks as a waitress and with a few scares (overly cautious doctor Iā€™d say), I have a healthy baby boy!

The last three weeks of my pregnancy were filled with 2 appointments a week, ultrasounds and non stress tests once a week. I suddenly had high blood pressure and headaches, but no protein in my urine, so my doctor wanted to let baby bake a bit longer, especially because he was on the smaller side.

On Tuesday February 13, I went to my appointment in the morning for another NST. My blood pressure was still in a high range. My doctor told us heā€™s schedule an induction for us that weekend.

As we were walking out, my doctor said never mind and that the hospital was expecting us there at 6pm!! šŸ¤Ŗ TALK ABOUT SHOCK.

Since day one Iā€™ve dreamed of having my Valentineā€™s Day baby and I always posted that.

My boyfriend and I showed up at 6pm, I got hooked up and ready! I was only 1cm when arriving and 0% effaced. They put in Cervidil at 7pm. I couldnā€™t sleep because I was so excited and anxious, so they gave me a shot to sleep at 2am. At 7am, the Cervidil was taken out and I was still 1cm, but now 50% effaced. I showered and ate!

At 9am I was started on pitocin slowly going up to 20mL an hour. I started having dull contractions but they felt more like light period cramps. At 1pm I was checked and I was still 1cm and 50% effaced. My doctor happened to be on for 5 hours so he suggested up my pitocin to 30mL an hour (which they werenā€™t comfortable with), c-section, or go home and see if I go into labor myself and if not come back in a day to try being induced again...I said I wasnā€™t going home. He decided to up my pitocin and instantly I started getting real contractions!! He checked me at the end of his shift at 2pm and I was still 1cm but I was now 100% effaced so he was happy with it and told the nurse to continue with the pitocin!

I was able to breathe through my contractions, which werenā€™t what I was expecting them to feel like at all. They were bearable. At 6pm I was checked again and I was 6cm!! I was asked if I wanted an epidural (my goal was 5cm before getting one) and I said yes. They asked if I would wait until 7pm for one so I could progress a bit further, I said yes... fifteen minutes later I was begging for it šŸ˜‚

The doctor who administers epidurals was in the OR so I had to wait. I kept asking my nurse every 5 minutes where he was. She finally said they called somebody in because ā€œeveryone in labor right now wants oneā€... but she assured me I was first, thank goodness šŸ˜… at 7:30 I finally received the epidural and it was HEAVENLY LET ME TELL YOU šŸ™ŒšŸ¼

At 8:30pm, the doctor broke my water. A nurse checked me right after and said I was still 6cm and definitely was not getting my Valentineā€™s Day baby šŸ™„ then my other nurse said ā€œlet me check her to make sure our 6cm are the sameā€... when the second nurse checked me she said ā€œI donā€™t feel any cervix, I think sheā€™s fully dilatedā€, then the doctor checked me and said yup youā€™re 10cm... I was shocked because it was SO FAST.

My nurse started getting the room prepped for pushing! At 9pm we started practice pushes. My epidural was so good I couldnā€™t feel a thing but my nurse and boyfriend were assuring me I was doing it right šŸ˜‚ after some practice pushes, the nurse gave me a peanut ball to help baby move down a bit further on his own.

I started getting dull pressure which I was told to push on. It definitely helped being able to feel a little bit of pressure to know those were my contractions. At 10:15 we started pushing!! I wanted my V Day baby!! I didnā€™t feel a thing. My doctor went back and forth about stitching my 1st degree tear but finally he decided to do so. I swear I didnā€™t break a sweat or scream during my whole labor and delivery, it was AMAZING!!

At 10:42pm on Valentineā€™s Day my handsome boy Colton was born!! Heā€™s such a love, Iā€™m obsessed šŸ˜

Right before we left for the hospital... my last bumpie 39 weeks 3 days

1 week PP! Iā€™m now 25 pounds down, 15 away from my pre pregnancy weight. Thank goodness for breastfeeding šŸ™ŒšŸ¼