
Alyssa • alyssa 🙂

So normally I try not to post stupid s***..but I need to say something that I can't just talk to anyone about. I do have my man but ya know woman (some) are easier to talk to. Anyways my man and I had amazing sex tonight. And he is aware I can squirt but it only happens when he's at work. We have been trying or practicing when he's home and when we aren't too tired. Tonight he said after you get out of the shower put something sexy on. I told him okay I got you😉. Well we tried again and I couldn't squirt. Like I said the sex was amazing!! Afterwards I went to go clean up and I was almost in tears, well they were forming I could feel I was about to start to cry. He walked by and said everything Okay? I replied yeah baby I'm good just cleaning up. I love pleasing my man and I know he is more than happy with sex and blowjobs but I feel like idk how to explain it or what would be the right word. Maybe disappointed? Upset? I guess do any of y'all get upset or emotional after sex? And what can I do to be able to show him? ps: I have sent him videos of me doing it to put a smile on his face. 😏 if you have any advise or just want to say something feel free.