

Lately I've been having problems with my weight and it's not just thay as well I feel that I'm just over weight all the time I used to be 305 and I lost about 15 pounds I'm 290 but the thang is I beleive I became anerxic to get here I used to work out and eat right but then it went from eating three times a day to two to one to two times a week to not at all I haven't eaten in three weeks I think I'm doing the right thing I still work out and stuff and drink water I don't know what I show do I feel like shit I just feel like everyones calling me fat again my boufreinds the only one that actually tries to make me feel better and gets me to eat I talked to my dad today and he called me fat my mum only calls me by fat cow and my freinds would joke about it but I guess they do t get how I feel I was I feel like Im trapped I don't know what to do anymore