So heartbreaking

Maryjane • Happy wife 💍 | Poetry & Art lover ❤️ | TTC baby # 1 👣💓 with PCOS | I curse a lot but I’m a sweetheart 🤣

I swear I’m about to just give the hell UP 🤬 It’s just so stressful & so heartbreaking trying all that you can to conceive and nothing’s working. I guess this round of provera & Femara was a fail. Yesterday & this morning I felt a bit cranky but knew i washy expecting my cycle soon. So I get excited, bd just in case this morning.. went test for ovulation, and NOTHING 😩😩😩 man I just KNEW I was going to get two strong lines, or close enough. Nothing 😭 God, I don’t know what else to do. I’m going to try one more round & with preseed this time & pray for a miracle 😩 I’m starting to think god really don’t want me to have a baby for my husband, cause maybe it’s his way of telling me he’s not the one (rude but I’ve been told that before). I just wanna be happy & healthy 😣