25+3 reduced movement- should I be worried?

emma🖤boy mom to two 👦🏼👶🏼💙

Hey everyone I’m 25+3 FTM with a little boy, I began feeling him move everyday at random times I hadnt worked out any routine apart from after eating and bedtime he would be super active for about 10 minutes a time. This weekend since Thursday <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a>/ friday I’ve noticed a reduction of movement like I have felt him but only like a couple kicks/wiggles all day. I have been quite busy myself but had times to sit and feel and obviously bed times but its not been quite the same , alot of people have said could be because of growth spurt baby is tired and not to worry and because I have still felt him I’ve not worried too much but now its been like it the whole weekend I just wanted a second opinion before I phone midwives and sound silly!!

Thank you ladies xxxx