Was this my first orgasm?

Hi everyone!

I'm posting anonymously just because I feel like this may be a little personal or embarrassing on my part maybe,

So basically I've been sexually active for 9 or so years whether it be intercourse or just foreplay, as well as masturbating, but I have never had an orgasm or at least never felt like I did. I always read articles and in some rom-coms and films an orgasm is always described as this great big earth quaking leg shaking experience everyone has always said 'when u have one you will know' I've never experienced that, I have gotten close to an orgasm or so I think that because I feel this big build up of pressure but either me or my partner can never last long enough that I feel that 'release ' so anyway fast forward abit, I've been with my partner five years and we have amazing sex like mind blowing, but I've never orgasmed or squirted or anything, but that's not his fault because I've never made myself orgasm either. He's always trying to make me squirt or orgasm or both haha. So the other night we got drunk and we were 'getting busy' and he does stuff with his fingers which was amazing literally fucking me with his fingers 😍and I feel the build up of pressure I normally do but this time I felt a little release and then another build up of pressure and nothing much after that in terms of a release, we continued to have amazing hot sex. But I feel like that was an orgasm because normally after sex I still feel a little horny or I feel abit like 'damn I wish it could last longer, however this time I felt good and happy about it I didn't feel horny after or feel like I wished he could last a little longer. Any way my question is do u guys think that was an orgasm or maybe it was like a mini orgasm? What does an orgasm feel like to you guys? I understand everyone is different but just some thoughts would be nice? Because it didn't feel like what I thought it would feel like! Don't get me wrong the sex is bomb, I've always just thought I was a rare breed of woman that can orgasm or take long to orgasm.