My announcement to my parents!

Sunny • 26yo, Mom to 1 boy (5.23.18)

Okay so. I wanted my Mom to guess that I was pregnant, I’m due in May. I’ve been dropping hints like crazy and complaining about how fat I am every weekend when I come to visit, but she hasn’t said anything! (My mom is a nurse, so I’m not sure why it’s been this hard....) I wanted her to figure out a lot sooner, but as time dragged on I got a bit embarrassed by not just coming right out and sharing it with them. So I’ve created a little swag bag for my mom, with these items and made my very own announcement card with a riddle.

We always called her mother Nonnie, and I know that’s what she wants.

A cute little outfit for bubs

And she loves to crochet and is always looking for new ideas!!

Now here is the card.



and the big reveal!

I’ll update y’all her reaction. I’m 23 and in law school, money is tight so I’m terrified but thrilled. I know she wants grandkids but idk about this soon 😅 either way here’s to the news! 💙💙💙