Good soak for liners/inserts


After spraying out the liners and inserts really well into the toilet we want to be able to soak them for a little bit just to help with stains and disinfect them a little before putting them through the wash. I’m thinking hot water, aaaaaaaaand that’s all I got. I want something that will get them more clean, but not harsh as they will have to be on my baby’s butt. And we already plan to do the power rinse cycle to get out any leftover detergents/soap.

Side question: I saw a commercial for an antibacterial detergent. I’m kind of a clean freak so the idea of that seems amazing to me, but I also know you should keep any soaps very simple as babies have very sensitive skin. Is it worth a try using the antibacterial stuff on just diapers or does that sound like a bad idea? Since you can’t use bleach on the liners or inserts I’d really like to ensure they’re getting clean as can be As for any other baby clothes/sheets we plan on using just a simple detergent.