feeling all the emotions..

Amy • 24, England. Mama to 3 amazing beautiful babes. George; 10|07|15. Di/Di Twin girls; Amelia & Isobel. Born at 35w+5d - 29|08|18 💕💙✨

Hello everyone.

Im currently 10w+1d pregnant with baby #2 and I now have a sudden scan booked for 10am in the morning due to spotting I've been experiencing. The doctor I spoke to this evening said he would rather send me for one tomorrow as it's better to be safe than sorry as my 12 week scan isn't for another two weeks. I'm so glad I got a nice doctor on the out of hours call line because it can literally be hit or miss. I just wanted to write this post because I'm feeling all the emotions tonight; I'm so bloody excited that I get to see my baby tomorrow but at the same time I'm so nervous & as much as I'm trying not to, of course I'm worried because of the circumstances. I'm just hoping & praying that my baby is happy and healthy and every thing is as it should be. Luckily it's almost time to go to bed so hopefully this Mamma can get some rest and the morning will be here before I know it.

Any prayers would be so very appreciated and I'll keep anyone who is interested updated on how it all goes. Thank you in advance! ✨