Bed rest! 😓

Madison💁🏼‍♀️ • Retailer// Married 6 yrs// Mommy to fraternal twin girls// surprise baby on the way!
BP was 152/98 today at the office (what?!). So with that, doc put me on home bed rest and no more work. I'm shocked! My last day was scheduled for this Friday, so close enough, I guess! Lol. 
I go in for an ultrasound tomorrow and they will check it again. Praying that keeping my feet up all day tomorrow makes a difference and I get good numbers. 
I guess I should take advantage of this rest time before my world gets turned upside down! 😅
Making it to 36+1 before bedrest isn't so bad I guess. 
Gonna take it easy and REST, not nest! 😉